Report an issue with a merchant
Notify Randoms about an Acceptable Use Policy violation.
Report vendor issue (#6)
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What are you reporting?
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Non-Delivery of Product.
Child Exploitation.
Harrasment, Bullying, Defamation & Threat.
Hateful Content.
Illegal Activities.
Intellectual Property.
Malicious and Deceptive practices.
Personal, Confidential & Protected health Information.
Restricted Items.
Self Harm.
Terrorist Organization.
Input Order ID
Vendor Store Name
Please describe your relationship to the individual that you believe is being harassed, bullied, defamed or threatened.
Please provide link(s) that you wish to report that promote or condone hate or violence against people based on race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, medical condition, veteran status or other forms of discriminatory intolerance, or that promote or support organizations, platforms or people that: (i) promote or condone such hate; or (ii) threaten or condone violence to further a cause.
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